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Roadrunner Rundown: Week 4

Table of Contents


Roadrunner Rally is here!

It's Roadrunner Rally season! Please donate to our no-frills fundraiser to support the school and our community events.

This year we're asking for $100 per student, but any amount is greatly appreciated! We would love to see 100% participation by the end of September.

Roadrunner rally

Questions about Roadrunner Rally or any of our fundraising efforts can be sent to


Lee Fall Carnival: Call for Volunteers

We've got a great group of seasoned volunteers but we're still recruiting for a Fall Carnival Chair to help make this the best carnival yet!

To volunteer or ask questions please send us an email or fill out our volunteer form! We'd love to have you join the team!

Lee Fall Carnival | October 28 | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Invitation to Join PTA

PTA believes that together we can make every child's potential a reality, but we need more believers like you. We need you! Please join us. Join PTA here: Perks for PTA Members:

Questions about PTA membership? ​


Free After-School Club Updates

There was a record number of applications this semester and almost half of all Lee students were offered a spot in a free after-school club! Thank you to all of the club leaders for contributing to such a robust program this year.

Everyone who applied for clubs has been sent an email with either the club information their student has been enrolled in, or notification of having been placed on a waitlist. If your student has decided not to participate in the club they are enrolled in, please send an email to in order to make room for others.

All free clubs are full, but there are after-school vendor-provided activities at Lee that are still enrolling. Kula Karate, Groundwork Ukulele, and ATX Ballers are all still accepting students to their programs this semester.


Become a Room Rep!

This year we're recruiting 1 parent / caregiver to be the Room Rep for each classroom. This will help lighten the load on the volunteer and also create a more collaborative and supportive environment with the teacher and parent community. Room reps will also work with other room reps in the same grade level where appropriate.

What does a Room Rep do?

  • Act as the liaison between teacher and classroom.

  • Create community and connection within the classroom through communication with other families.

  • Support the teacher in planning and executing classroom parties and activities.

  • Moderate and respond to the classroom chat group.

To volunteer, contact your classroom teacher or sign up online!


Upcoming Events of Interest

September is full of opportunities to engage with the Lee Community!


September 12 | 1st PTA general Meeting @ 7:45 AM in the Lee Library

Hear from the Lee Principal, and learn about the all of the Lee PTA projects this year from the PTA President, Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Historian and more!

PTA General Meeting | September 12 | 7:45 AM | Lee Library


September 17 | Roadie Work Day!

On Roadie Work Days, we come together as a community to work on projects that help create a safe and welcoming environment for our students.

Past projects have included revamping the garden, power washing the building, painting murals, beautifying the track, etc. All ages are welcome and appreciated! Show up anytime during the Roadie Work Day to help out!

Roadie Work Day | September 17 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Reach out to our Roadrunner Roadies for more information!


September 19 | CAC Meeting

A total of eight meetings held throughout year, on a variety of topics including school improvement goals and planning. Members may apply to serve on council and all meetings are open to the public.

Membership applications can be found here:

Questions can be sent to Principal Sileo


September 20 | the backspace (receipt share)

the backspace is an Italian restaurant serving wood-fired pizza and homemade pasta.

15% of proceeds will be donated back to the school!

the backspace

1745 West Anderson Lane

September 20




September 26 | Sonic (receipt share)

Cool off with an afterschool slush or snack at Sonic, from 4-8pm. 40% of proceeds will be donated back to the school!


6208 Cameron Road

September 26 | 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM


September 29 | Loteria Night!

Join us for

Lee Loteria Night! Where Luck Meets Tradition!

September 29, 2023 @ 5:30 PM-7:00 PM in the Lee Cafeteria!

We'll have a live DJ, food, prizes and more!


October 3 | McCallum Orchestra Event

The McCallum Orchestra and The EggMen perform together, in a magical performance, "The Beatles Classically"

Tuesday, October 3rd at 6:30 PM

AISD Performing Arts Center, 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd 78723

To purchase tickets: Event proceeds directly support McCallum Orchestra's music education program.

Facebook Event link:



The Lee Elementary School Yearbook will go on sale soon! Keep your eyes peeled, 10% discount if you order by Oct 31st... More details including order forms will be shared in the coming days!



Parent forum Recap

Thank you to the amazing teachers and staff for hosting the Caregiver Forum on last week! This event gave teachers a chance to share information about policies and procedures, answer questions, and welcome families to the year. Most teachers planned to send their presentations out via ParentSquare for anyone who wasn't able to attend in person.

Photo credits: russellleeatx Instagram & PTA e-board members


Principal's Coffee

Friday September 1 was the first in a series of events that will take place in the Library the 1st Friday of the month where Principal Sileo and her team will take questions in an open forum and depending on the month may also lead the group in a topic driven discussion.

This month was a great first step in learning about the hard work that has gone into putting together our amazing 2023-2024 Lee Elementary team.


Thanks for reading this week's Roadrunner Rundown. As always feel free to share your comments or feature suggestions with us at



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Contact the PTA

Contact Front Office

© 2024 Lee Elementary PTA

Phone: 512-414-2098

3308 Hampton Rd. Austin, TX 78705

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