Nice summer break, but boy did August fly by!
Devices were distributed the first week and most students' accounts seem to be working ok.
The students have been coming to library for 3 weeks, now. Checking in, Checking out, and getting a story time or lesson in between. We have been talking about taking care of our books.
Unfortunately, we've already had 3 books succumb to water bottle leakage in the backpack. We've talked about not putting the water bottle in the back pack and if it does need to go in the back pack, maybe it can go in there empty. We can fill it up at school or at home. We don't need to travel with it full of water in the backpack.
We've also been learning about the Dewey Decimal System (yes, we still use it), and how to find books using the Online Catalog and the call numbers.
SUMMER READING CHALLENGE We had almost 50 students participate in the Summer Reading Challenge of reading at least 20 minutes a day during the summer.We celebrated our readers with a little popsicle party and prizes last week.We will have more reading Challenges through out the year.
Volunteering in the Library: Many of you signed up to help during your child's library time at Parent Forum. If you did not get a chance to do that you can send me an email - - and I will add you to the list. I will have Volunteer Orientation on Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 10:40 and Friday Sept. 16 at 2:30. Please try to come to one of the sessions. Let me know if you can't make it and I'll send you notes.
Library Books: Your child checks out 1-3 books per week. Please help them remember to return their library books on time. One of the Life Skills I try to instill with library is to borrow and return items in a timely manner.
K & 1st get 1 book per week
2nd & 3rd get 2 books per week
4th up can get up to 3 books per week.
I expect the students to keep track of their books and to take care of them. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, then the student/family is responsible to pay to replace the book. You have probably noticed that "beyond repair" is a pretty extreme condition. Our books are literally loved to death. Some have more glue and tape than the original covers. :-) So don't be too worried about the fee, but do hold your child accountable for taking care of district/school property.
Devices: This year the district has implemented a new policy regarding the care and keeping of our devices. At Lee we keep the devices in the classrooms - occasionally your student will take it home to work on a project if necessary.
The District Policy is as follows:
First lost charger is replaced from campus stock.
Second and beyond are charged $15/per charger
First incidental damage or lost device is replaced from campus stock.
Second and beyond are charged $50/per device
Classes come to the library every week, Monday - Thursday, with Friday being a Flex Day if, for some reason, a class had to miss library one day during the week.
Please help your child return his/her/their book on time. Thank You.
Kindergarten 1:10 - 1:40
Monday - Stanfield
Tuesday - Manning
Wednesday - Insell
Thursday - Gonzales
1st Grade 2:10 - 2:55
Monday - Thomas
Tuesday - Caroline
Wednesday - Borris
Thursday - Abrego
2nd Grade 12:10 - 12:55
Monday - Szilagyi
Tuesday - Clinchard
Wednesday - Kis
Thursday - Jenkins
3rd Grade 8:45 - 9:30
Monday - Hull
Tuesday - Campbell
Thursday -Diaz
4th Grade 9:40 - 10:25
Monday - Cox
Tuesday - Jones
Thursday - Rolling
5th & 6th Grade 7:50 - 8:35
Tuesday - Joshi
Wednesday - Hubbard & Price
Thursday - Sands